Confuzzled Hexing

2003-10-22 at 6:10 p.m.

Lord and Lady was it slow at work today!


My young 'uns are having a Halloween party this year instead of trick or treating. Unfortunately, with my schedule being as fucked up as it is, I had to schedule it for the same day Tatnan's having her party. *Pouts and swears* It was even going to be an adult only party. *swears and starts throwing random hexes* Now I'm having a kids only party and no other adults there except my Mother, who is currently annoying the Hell out of me. *Hexes becoming much less random*

Oh well. At least we're having a big ole bon fire. *Sends hex straight to Harpy Lady and trainee who couldn't even make it through training*


How come when you announce your engagement, you suddenly have tons of friends who think they're going to be invited?

Really. People that you talk to while you're at work and when you pass them at the local place of grocery shopping but have never actually spent any time with what so ever in a peer context, suddenly are all about being your best bud and attending a very personal and important event as one of your closest pals.

People who have never been to my house, broken bread with me, met my children or any members of my family, shared any companionable time on a day on the town (Goddess forsaken town that it is), never shared any emotional bonding of any sort, suddenly feel they should be invited to such an intimate ceremony as is my wedding.


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Most recent entries

Something New - 2009-06-04

Lunch for Breakfast - 2009-05-18

Jeans and a T-shirt - 2009-05-13

Lost Weeks - 2009-05-11

Happy Birthday to Me! - 2009-04-22



<-- | ?? | alanrickman | ## | -->
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<-- | ?? | slash | ## | -->
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