Jimmy Cracked Corn

2003-06-28 at 9:55 p.m.

My son asked me a question today. He wanted to know why, if Jimmy cracked corn and "I" don't care, why did "I" write a whole song about Jimmy cracking the aforementioned corn..........


Well, I think the ISP guys might have gotten their problems straightened out. At least, I hope so, cause I've discovered that Goddess Forsaken Town doesn't offer internet service via the cable company. (Oh, how I've been missing my daily dose of sacredness and perversion.......)


I was all set to hold out till The Bear finished his copy of HP and TOotP and lent it to me to read untill the paperback version came out, but I just couldn't stand it. I broke down and bought the hardback edition.

I've read all four of the first books to my son and he decided that I wasn't to be allowed the priveledge of reading this book first. I have to read it aloud so he can enjoy it's many wonderous pages of Harry Potter goodness as well.

Not that I wish to deprive my offspring of such a multi-layered tale of friendship, betrayal, magic and Snape (Oh Gods, how I've missed reading about him!) but....my dylexia is horrible! After 34 years, I've managed to get around it as it pertains to reading it visually. Reading it aloud is a whole other cauldron of potion! First (and most frustrating to me) is the fact that I have to slow down the reading process. Considerably. Taking it in has gotten quite routine and I haven't many problems that stump me up. But, getting it from my brain and back out verably is tortureous. (More for the kids than me I'm afraid!)

Second, I get so involved with the story and wanting to get going, that I get a tad bit irritated when the girl child makes me stop by asking a question about what I just read. Normally, this is no problem. I've usually already read the book and am not sitting there in anticipation to know what happens next. It really breaks my concentration having to stop and start all the time. (Which of course, I do.)

I think I'm gonna have to read this one again to myself, immediately after I get done reading it to the kids, to get the full enjoyment out of it. You know, sometimes, I miss my before-children days. Especially when new Harry Potter books come out........

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